Download Previous Year Diploma Paper of Quantity Surveying & Valuation 6th Sem/Civil/Dec 2018 Diploma Paper
Quantity Surveying & Valuation 6th Sem/Civil/Dec 2018 Diploma Question Paper
Q1 State the Units of Measurement for the following items of Work. 10×1=10 a. Concrete b. Brick Work c. Earth Work d. Cement Plaster e. Steel Work f. Cement Drip Course g. D.P.C h. Flooring i. Skirting j. White Washing
Q2. Fill in the blanks. 5×1=5
i. No. of bricks for 1 cu.m Brick Masonry is _____________ . ii. One Bag of Cement = _______ cu.m iii. The Attendance of Laborers’ is recorded daily in _____________ . iv. The Amount submitted by Contractor as the guarantee of Tender is called ___________ . v. The Loss in the value of Property due to structural deterioration is called _____________ .
Q2. Attempt any five questions. 5×6=30 a. Find out the Dry Materials required for 1 cu.m Brick Masonry in Cement Mortar 1:5. b. Find out the Dry Materials required for 10 sq.m Cement Plaster 1:4 (1.25 cm thick). c. Find out the Dry Materials required for 1 cu.m Cement Concrete 1:2:4. d. What is Valuation? Write down the purpose of Valuation. e. Define Tender. Write the names of various Tender Documents. f. Write a short note on Depreciation of Buildings and different types of Building Estimates. g. Define the following terms: 1. Earnest Money 2. Administrative Approval. h. Write a short note on Muster Role and Lump Sum Contract.
Q3. Attempt any three questions. 3×10=30
Q7. Write a short note on Muster Role and Lump Sum Contract. If the Formation Level at RD 0 is 75.00 metre, Estimate the Quantity of Cutting for the Formation Width of 10 m. The Side Slope is 2:1 and there is no cross-slope. Also find out the Cost of Cutting @ Rs. 450 % cu.m. If the Formation Level at RD 0 is 75.00 metre, Estimate the Quantity of Cutting for the Formation Width of 10 m. The Side Slope is 2:1 and there is no cross-slope. Also find out the Cost of Cutting @ Rs. 450 % cu.m.
Q8. Explain in detail the various methods of Valuation. Q9. Work out the Quantities of the following Items from the given Drawing of a Room: 4.0m x3.60m; a. Excavation for Foundation b. P.C.C in Foundation (1:5:10) c. Brick Masonry in Foundation upto Plinth, laid in C.M.1:5 d. Brick Masonry in Superstructure, laid in C.M.1:5
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